List of 3rd party Devise extensions.
ORM Support
mm-devise - "Devise - MongoMapper":
dm-devise - "Devise - DataMapper":
devise-couch - "Devise - Couch DB":
devise-ripple - "Devise - Riak":
cequel-devise - "Devise - Cassandra":
Encryption Support
devise-encryptable - adds support of other authentication mechanisms besides the built-in Bcrypt (the default). "":
devise_aes_encryptable - AES-256 Reversible Encryption "":
devise-argon2 - Support for Argon2i "":
Mailing List Support
devise_campaignable - Have your users automatically added to a mail campaign tool of your choice. Currently supports MailChimp but easy adaptation for CampaignMonitor. "":
devise_mailchimp - MailChimp integration for Devise making it effortless for users to join mailing lists when they register their account. "":
h3. Miscellaneous
cantango - Integrates Devise, Roles and CanCan with Permits for a Rails 3 app "": (Replaces cream, "":
invitable - Adds support for send account invitations by email. "":
devise_traceable - Tracing Devise Model (Model Stamp login and logout) "":
devise_lastseenable - Just adds a last_seen datetime that's updated whenever authenticate! is called. "":
devise_security - Add "enterprise" functionality (strong passwords, password expire..., new: captcha support) "":
devise-basecamper - Add basecamp-style subdomain scoped authentication "":
devise-two-factor - Barebones two-factor authentication support "":
two_factor_authentication - Add two factor authentication, like Gmail "":
devise_account_expireable - Expire a user account at a specific date / time. "":
devise_uid - Add UID support to Devise. A lot of times, we want a unique ID representing the user model instead of its incremental ID in the database, for example, in API instead of exposing the primary key, we use a random generated unique string to indentify this user. "":
devise_session_expirable - Devise timeoutable's paranoid cousin. Enforces time-limited sessions by rejecting sessions which are not timestamped. "":
devise_zxcvbn - Reject weak passwords using zxcvbn. "":
devise_invalidatable - Invalidate sessions from the server-side. "":
any_login - easy login with any user to make your development life easier. "":
devise-verifiable - Adds a second step to Devise's signup process. Useful if you want to collect extra information or verify user's identity through a 3rd-party service. "":
honeybadger - When used together, exceptions reported to honeybadger will automatically be associated with the current Devise user. "":
devise-uncommon_password - Prevents a user from using a password in the list of the 100 most common passwords. "":
devise-pwned_password - checks user passwords against the "PwnedPasswords": dataset. "":
devise_date_restrictable - restrict a user’s account by date range (valid from/until/between). "":
h3. External authentication integration
devise-browserid - Adds support for Mozilla Persona / BrowserID authentication. "":
facebook_connectable - Adds support for Facebook Connect authentication, and optionally fetching user info from Facebook in the same step. "":
oauth2_authenticatable - Adds support for OAuth2 (Facebook Graph) authentication. "":
oauth2_providable - Adds an OAuth2 authentication layer to protect API resources. "":
devise-twitter - Adds Sign in via Twitter and Connect your account to Twitter functionality "":
imapable - Adds support for authentication via IMAP, a great solution for internal application where no LDAP server exists. "":
ldap_authenticatable - Adds support for LDAP authentication via simple bind. "":
rpx_connectable - Adds support for "RPX": authentication. "RPX": provides free and paid services to handle many authentication providers (facebook, twitter, OpenID...) using a single API. "":
cas_authenticatable - Adds support for single sign-on via "CAS": and CAS-implementing servers. "":
openid_authenticatable - Adds support for "OpenID": authentication. "":
devise_paypal - Adds support for "Paypal": authentication "":
devise_google_authenticator - Adds support for "Google's Authenticator": "":
devise_shibboleth_authenticatable - Adds support for "Shibboleth": "":
devise-radius-authenticatable - Adds support for authenticating against radius servers "":
devise-jwt - JWT token authentication with devise "":